Today was a big day for superReply. We got our first customers to upgrade to paid plans!
Two users bought yearly subscriptions and two bought monthly ones. It’s amazing to see that people are finding value in our product and are willing to pay for it.
I’ve had a lot of conversations with people from different industries and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. People love the simplicity of our product and our website has had almost 3,000 visitors in just 5 days.
One particularly exciting moment was my conversation with the founder of eTeacher Group. He was really interested in superReply and we had a productive meeting about potential collaboration. We scheduled another meeting for Sunday to continue discussing opportunities.
Yesterday was a busy day for me, with meetings with angel investors and working on various tasks for the business. I am constantly reminding myself to not only maintain the current features and functionality of superReply, but also to understand the gap in the market and who will benefit most from using our tool.
Recently, I have been researching a group of people called independent professionals. These are individuals who communicate online frequently and want to save time and sound professional in their communication. Many of them may be non-native English speakers, similar to myself.
In addition to this research, I have also been focusing on the financial side of the business. I spent the day talking to Stripe to set up my business on their platform and also opened a business account with Bank of America, as we have already received some payments.
Looking forward, I have a few ideas to B2B bring more users to superReply. One is to reach out to well-known companies whose employees are already using our tool. considering offering B2B contracts to these companies to help their employees be more productive and express themselves effectively in English. I believe the tech industry in Israel, which often communicates with a global audience in English, could greatly benefit from superReply.
I am excited to share that we are making progress with influencer partnerships and have more video content in the works. I am even considering hiring someone specifically to handle our content strategy and produce TikTok videos to spread the word about superReply.
@sarkaitlin If you are a content creator or work a job that requires you to email clients on a daily basis, then this Chrome extension is perfect for you. I love it so much! Let me know if you try it! #ad ♬ Countless – Official Sound Studio
In January, I plan to focus all of my efforts on acquiring as many users as possible. That being said, I also want to bring value to our free users and not limit their access too much. My goal is to scale quickly and gain a significant number of users.
I appreciate your support and encourage you to share superReply with your friends. Thank you for following my journey.