It’s been 22 days since I started building superReply and I’ve made the decision to hold off on launching the product until Tomorrow.
I realized that today is New Year’s Day and everyone is out of the office spending time with their families. It wouldn’t be the best strategy to launch on a day when most people are away from their computers and not likely to be downloading and using new tools.
Instead, I’ve been focusing on understanding the market that superReply is targeting. It’s really important to me that the people using the tool get a lot of value from it and see it as more than just a cool tool. I want it to be a tool that empowers people. To that end, I’ve been talking to freelancers who have English as their second language and asking them questions about how they work with customers and where they communicate with them.
Through these conversations, I’m getting a better understanding of where superReply can be most beneficial, particularly for freelancers or those whose second language is English.
I’ve been recording all of my calls and interviews with these freelancers so I can use this information to shape my go-to market and beachhead strategies.
Having a clear beachhead is essential to building a successful company, and it’s important to me to make sure that superReply is not just for fun, but can also help people make money.
I’m thrilled to report that we’ve now reached 300 users, with 50% of them being business users.
Employees in companies like Salesforce, Wix, Connecteam, and are already using superReply for their business communication and emails. It’s really exciting to see such big companies believing in and seeing the value in the product.
After talking to some freelancers today, I realized that we need to work on integrations for the tool. This is just one of the reasons why I’m spending a lot of time reaching out to angel investors to get the resources we need to take superReply to the next level and ensure its success.
I also sent around 200 emails to tech journalists yesterday, hoping to get superReply in front of them. I haven’t received any replies yet, but I’m sure that’s just because everyone is out of the office for the holiday. I’m excited to see what kind of response we get from these journalists.
It’s important to me to keep reminding myself of what superReply is all about: helping people whose second language is English communicate more effectively, win more deals, and reduce anxiety around finding the right words to use in their replies.
I want to make sure that people understand the value of the tool and that it can be a successful business, not just a cool tool to have on my resume.
Also, I had the opportunity to speak today with Tom Kalay, the Chief Revenue Officer at eTeacher Group, about how superReply could be implemented at his company to improve education and productivity.
Tom, whom I used to work with at eTeacher Group, was excited about the potential of using innovative tools like superReply in his day-to-day work. It was great to catch up with him and hear his thoughts on how superReply could help the online education industry win more students.
His encouragement and kind words really motivated me to keep working hard on superReply. It’s always exciting to see industries like education take an interest in using tools like ours to improve their operations.
I had the chance to talk to Sarah from Canada today, an influencer who was really impressed by superReply. She’s even planning to make a video about it!
I also received a text from my friend Eli Igra, who is very successful and well-known in the VC world in Tel Aviv. He told me he’s impressed with what I’ve built in just 20 days and offered some ideas on how superReply could be used in different ways beyond just email replies. I added these ideas to my backlog for future consideration.
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has followed our journey so far. I really appreciate your support. I’m wishing everyone a happy new year and lots of success in their personal and professional lives. Thank you again for following along with superReply.