Today was a big day for superReply. I woke up feeling well rested after a long week of hacking and hit the ground running. I was happy to treat myself to a gym session, and received encouraging messages from friends and followers excited to try out the product.
One of my friends, Oshri, tried superReply and was blown away by its ability to quickly suggest personalized replies to his emails. English isn’t his first language, so having a tool like this is especially valuable to him. This got me thinking about our strategy with influencers – we want to give them the opportunity to experience the “wow” factor of superReply and understand its value firsthand.
We also received a response from Bloomberg magazine regarding a feature on superReply, which has me super excited about getting featured in tech blogs around the world.
In other news, our designer sent over the brand kit and it looks fantastic. It’s important to have a consistent brand identity, and the kit will help us maintain the same color palette and typography.
Today, our developer Vlas also brought up user flow, which we hadn’t previously discussed. It’s a reminder that there’s always more to consider when building a product, but we’re making great progress and working hard to bring superReply to life.
As we near the end of the development process for superReply, my team and I are starting to focus on the details that will make or break the product. One of the most important things to consider is the quality of our product, which is why we’re putting a strong emphasis on QA (quality assurance). I have a friend in Israel who has experience in QA and will be helping us ensure that superReply is running smoothly and free of bugs.
Another issue that arose today was the possibility of a user clicking “reply to all” and how superReply would handle that situation. At this stage of the MVP (minimum viable product), we’ve decided that we won’t be able to support this feature.
I also spent some time working on the pitch deck, which will be crucial for securing partnerships and potential investment. I recently had a great meeting with someone who works in the israeli consulate in Los Angeles and is very involved in the Israeli tech scene. he expressed interest in seeing the pitch deck. I’m looking forward to showing him the product and potentially having him join our beta.
I also had a great conversation with team member Julio today. He’s extremely motivated and believes in the success of superReply. He’s even enlisted his sister to help with our marketing efforts and find the right influencers and journalists to cover our app. It’s uplifting to have such a supportive and determined team member on board.
In addition to these updates, I came up with a new slogan for our app: “Upgrade your email game with superReply.” It’s a catchy and fitting slogan that captures the essence of what our product does.
I’m excited to see what the next few days bring and am confident that I’ll have the pitch deck ready to send out early next week. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up on my website to get early access to the beta.
Happy holidays to those celebrating Christmas or Hanukkah. Thank you for following along on this journey with me.