Don’t Take It Personally
• When you get a job rejection email, it’s easy to feel like you’re being personally rejected. But try not to take it that way. The company is rejecting your application, not you as a person. Remind yourself that you have value beyond any one job.
Be Professional
• It’s tempting to fire off an emotional response, but take the high road. Send a polite, professional reply thanking the employer for considering you. You never know when your paths may cross again.
Ask for Feedback
• If you feel comfortable doing so, you can politely ask for any feedback the employer is willing to provide. Understanding why you weren’t selected can help you improve for future opportunities.
Keep Applying
• One rejection email won’t make or break your job search. Stay motivated and keep applying to other roles. Persistence is key to landing a job. Consider tweaking your resume or cover letter based on what you learned from this application process.
Use the superReply Extension
• Replying to rejection emails can be stressful. But the superReply Chrome extension makes it easy. It gives you templates to send professional, thoughtful responses. Just focus on your job search while superReply handles the hard part.