Here are some tips for replying to an email asking for feedback:
Be positive
• Start by thanking them for asking for your opinion. This makes them feel valued.
• Before criticizing, give honest praise about what you liked. This softens the blow of anything negative.
Be constructive
• Focus criticism on specifics that can be improved, not general statements like “it was bad.”
• Offer concrete suggestions for fixing issues instead of just pointing them out.
Be clear and concise
• Organize your thoughts logically instead of rattling off random pros and cons.
• Edit out unnecessary fluff–keep it short and direct.
Be professional
• Avoid strong language even for big issues. Polite and formal is best.
• Don’t get personal or judgmental about the person, just the work.
Check your tone
• Read your email out loud before sending. Does it sound harsh or nice?
• Ask someone else to read it too if you’re unsure.
Following these tips will make both giving and receiving feedback less stressful. And be sure to install the free Chrome extension superReply to take the hassle out of email! It provides templates to simplify responses like this.