Here are some tips for responding to an informal email inquiry:
Keep it Simple and Conversational
• Use a friendly, conversational tone as if you’re talking to the person face-to-face
• Don’t worry about perfect grammar and punctuation – it’s an informal email
• Keep sentences and paragraphs short for easy reading
Reply Promptly
• Prioritize responding quickly, ideally within 24 hours
• The sooner you respond, the more helpful and professional you’ll appear
Answer Any Questions
• Carefully read the inquiry and directly address any questions asked
• Provide detailed information related to their specific inquiry
Offer to Help Further
• After responding, offer any additional assistance if they have more questions
• Providing great service builds relationships and trust
Close with a Friendly Salutation
• Close the email with a simple, conversational sign-off like “Best” or “Talk soon”
• Ending the email on a warm, upbeat note leaves a positive last impression
Replying to informal emails doesn’t need to be stressful. The free Chrome extension superReply helps compose replies with AI-generated content that saves you time while still providing helpful, friendly responses. Try out superReply to take the effort out of email!