Day #10: The Power of Community: How Friends, Mentors, and Experts Helped Launch superReply

Day #10: The Power of Community: How Friends, Mentors, and Experts Helped Launch superReply

With only 10 days until launch, I’ve been working closely with my developers to iron out any issues and make sure our product is ready to go.

One problem we faced was with our AI engine, which was having trouble determining who to reply to in a thread with multiple people. However, we’ve come up with a solution by adding another identifier for the person who is replying. This will help limit mistakes and improve the accuracy and relevance of the engine’s suggestions.

I’m also excited to report that I received a prototype from our developer Vlas in Ukraine and it looks fantastic. While it’s not exactly like our Figma design, the functionality and speed are great. At this stage, we’re focused on creating a minimum viable product (MVP) and prioritizing the main value we provide to users.

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I’m taking note of all suggestions from my friends and developers, but my main focus is on launching as soon as possible.

I’m feeling confident that we’re getting closer to having the Chrome extension ready for launch.

I’m also planning to talk to my AI researcher in Pakistan about the possibility of learning from the behaviors of our users. By analyzing the wording and vibe of their replies, we can create more personalized suggestions for them. My brother-in-law, who is a developer with 10 years of experience, thinks it’s a great idea.

As I continue to develop this product, I’ve been seeking out advice and guidance from industry experts and trusted friends.

One friend, in particular, shared with me that he himself struggles with the time and energy it takes to reply to emails efficiently. This resonated with me, as I know many people can relate to feeling overwhelmed by the constant influx of emails in their inbox.

I had the opportunity to speak with a mentor and tech industry leader, Itai, who is the founder of a company called Push Talk. Itai has extensive experience in influencer marketing and is currently working on launching his own startup in this field.

I reached out to him for a list of influencers I can connect with when I launch SuperReply.

I’ve also been in communication with professionals in tech, PR, and press, who have assured me that our product will receive coverage from tech blogs on the day of launch.

In addition to working on the design, my designer has also suggested implementing a design system for our entire product and website. I look forward to collaborating with them on this in the future.

I also had a conversation with Julio, a Spanish speaker who expressed interest in helping me market the product in the Spanish market. I got great vibes from Julio and feel confident in their motivation and ability to help with this aspect of the project.

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I also spoke with Yossi, a friend who is an expert in UI/UX design. Yossi has previously helped me with website development in Israel and I value his insights and expertise.

In addition, to design and language considerations, we also addressed some security issues related to authentication and keys. We are now focusing on testing the product’s ability to handle long threads and exploring the possibility of offering users the option to respond to emails in different voice tones.

Overall, I am grateful for the opportunity to create a product that has the potential to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

I am also grateful to have such a supportive network of family, friends, and mentors to help guide me through this process. Happy Hanukah!

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